

샘플문서2018. 12. 13. 13:03



고등학교의 영문 생활기록부 작성 예시 입니다. 유학준비서류에 사용됩니다







(영문) 생활기록부(School Report) 양식 성적증명서(Transcript Of Middle School Recor (영문) 귀국보증서(Letter Of Guarantee)
생활 기록부-중학교(Record of Middle School Life (영문) 건강기록부(Health Record) (영문) 생활기록부(SCHOOL REPORT)
(영문) 생활기록부 유학 주일학교 학생 생활기록부 학교생활 기록부 기재 길라잡이(중ㆍ고등학교)
생활기록부(고등학교) 성적증명서(Transcripts for Elementary School 여행일정표(A sample of the schedule program)
생활기록부(초등학교) (영문) 유학 상담 재학증명서(CERTIFICATE OF STUDENTSHIP)




transcript of highschool record
graduation volume no.14209
personal historname in full : hong, kill dong
sex : female
resident id no.: xxxx.xx.xx12121
address : #123, kwanchul dong, jongro gu, seoul, korea
family document
father mother other members
name in full mun, yong, duk ham, jung ja grandmother,
date of birth apr.27, 1948 aug.6, 1952 brother, sister
education high school graduate middle school graduate
job business
education historfeb.15, 1990 : graduated from yonghyun womens middle school
mar.2, 1990 : entered inil womens high school
feb.13, 1993 : graduate from inil womens high schoolear 1 2 3 class xxxx.xx.xx class number xxxx.xx.xx person in charge /s/ko, keun hae /s/lee, mi jong /s/mo, taek sang
state of attendanceear attendance section absent late early
leaving result remark 1 224 disease none none none none perfect
attendance accident none none none none 2 225 disease 1 none none none caused by flue accident none none none none 3 222 disease 3
none none none caused by inflammation accident none none none none
physical development ear physique physical strength level speciality 1 b 3th 2 c 1th 3 b special grade
behavior developmentear sincerity responsibility cooperation independence law abiding leadership
1 a a a a a a
2 a a a a a a
3 a a a a a aear behavior comment
1 nice, sincere, shows good records   (이하 생략)







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